The Ideal Mood for the starting levels of this Career is Energized, of course. The Llama Mascot Costume, which comes at Athlete level 3 You can walk around town in this and enjoy some potential hilarity as it is quite odd watching someone talk from inside of one of them. One of the fun things about this Career is the ability to use the Llama Mascot Costume whatever branch you choose, which is cute and funny to look at. You can now get promotions with careers.promote athletic - you can also see all Career Cheats or visit a full list of Cheats in The Sims 4. Press Control + Shift + C then type testingcheats on and press enter. It's also handy to help you go into work in the Ideal Mood. This can let you become Energized on demand, indirectly boosting the rate your Sim gains the Fitness Skill and allowing for more time to build Charisma. If you initially select the Bodybuilder Aspiration when making your Sim, which gives the High Metabolism Bonus Trait, you will get the ability to drink energy juice on the spot by clicking your Sim.

Sims that are Happy will generally gain Charisma much faster than with other Emotions, as you can see in our Emotions Guide. A Social Aspiration is good for that, giving the Gregarious Trait, and better Charisma Skill gains. Both branches require your Sim to take up Charisma, which is harder to level than Fitness, so you may consider planning your Sim's Traits and Aspirations around that skill.

It gives us the chance to make money off the Fitness Skill, which was possibly a bit underutilized in Vanilla Sims 4 until the release of additional Careers by Maxis in December 2014.

The Athlete Career is fairly straightforward.