The double workout is optional and you should by no means feel a lesser mortal if you skip one or postpone a workout to Saturday instead. As Shaun will keep reminding you in this workout, lower focus exercises are challenging because your lower half is the heaviest half of your body. I worked hard but you know what? I really enjoyed Lower Focus (though I think I will forever loathe Ab Intervals), maybe because my legs are more developed and certainly more powerful than my core muscles. Even though you’re working those quadriceps, you’re grateful not to be lunging anymore. Then you’re squatting and the weird thing is, it’s actually a relief to be squatting. You’re lunging left, you’re lunging right, you’re lunging with legs that start to feel like they belong to someone else. Lower Focus involves a cycle of lunges and squats, all presented in a variety of ingenious ways. And he wore his fluorescent yellow trainers. This is Shaun T we’re talking about – fitness sadist. In my naïveté, I’d hoped Lower Focus was going to be 25 minutes of sitting on the ground doing leg raises.

This being my first week, I just had to do it.Ĭardio was more intense than I remembered from Monday and by the end of my first workout I was melting into goo.

Or it’ll hang over my head the rest of the day and kind of cast a cloud on whatever else I’m doing.

While some people will be disciplined enough to space out these workouts, leaving one to do later in the day or after work, I know if I rest or take a break after the first one, I’ll never do the second one. I decided to perform both workouts back to back, first thing in the morning. I don’t know about you, but I have to play psychological tricks on myself from time to time to get things done. Two workouts which means devoting 50 minutes of your day to sweat and tears.